A monthly podcast from Piano Teeth. The voice inside your head. Expect absurd, hilarious and twisted adventures all from the comfort of your own mind. By all means, follow me @the_piano_teeth. And make sure you check me out at www.pianoteeth.co.uk for some extra fun. Go to https://ko-fi.com/pianoteeth to contribute to the bleach fund.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Hello my gorgeous creeps!
It is I. Piano Teeth. Your bleach sodden, bath dwelling, skinless storyteller. Back with another audio delight for you to put in your ears and run rings round your mind.
Forgive me, Jasper the Toad interrupts my introduction to this episode. However, he gets put in his place and I soon bring it back on the premium track that you're used to.
In this fantastic episode, we encounter Sir Cecil Gubbington, running for his life through some woods. He's being chased by a gang of murderous Foxes, who've had quite enough of being hunted for sport and so turn on their horse-riding hunters, picking them off one by one. Sir Cecil believes he's the last one left and he must get out of the woods alive and warn the authorities of the new Fox enemy. Featuring Foxes, Stags, Hunters, Forests, Posh people, Queen's, LSD, muddy puddles, Tree perverts, urine and so much more! You'll have to get stuck in and find out what happens.
Please enjoy, subscribe, review, and share.
If you like what you hear and want to contribute to my bleach fund then head on over to https://ko-fi.com/pianoteeth and you can put some coin in my purse.
If you would like to send me any artwork inspired by the episodes, pester/contact me, send me nudes then head on over to www.pianoteeth.co.uk.
Follow me @the_piano_teeth on your socials.
This episode was created by Piano Teeth.
Artwork created under much duress by Chris R. Wright.
The sound was lovingly designed by Matteo Musetti.
Jasper the Toad did fuck all as per.
Until next time. Be well.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Hello Gorgeous Creeps!
I hope you are well. If this is the first time you've clicked on my face then allow me to introduce myself. My name is Piano Teeth and I am the voice inside your head. I have no skin and so sit in the bath drinking bleach all day, with a toad called Jasper. After a bottle or two my brain cracks and I am plunged into a story. Which I would now like to share with you.
In this wonderfully funny, surprising episode, we are introduced to Steve, who doesn't look like a hero at all. After Steve starts hearing a voice that seems to narrate his every action he is suddenly thrown into a reluctant adventure. He is forced to fight an evil perverted Warlord, confront his parent's death, train to be a warrior, realise his friend is a wizard, and ride around on a chain-smoking horse. However, Steve begins to question where this mysterious voice is coming from and begins to realise that not all is as it seems. Sometimes the bravest thing is to not be a hero at all. Join Steve on his reluctant journey. Featuring; Polar Bears, Goblins, a giant Sea-Gull, a dick-shaped axe, horses, Wizards, Quests, Destiny, Swords, Cups of Tea, evil storytellers and unlikely friendships.
If you like what you hear and want to contribute to my bleach fund then go to https://ko-fi.com/pianoteeth and you can drop some coins in my purse.
Created by Piano Teeth
Sound design by Matteo Musetti (@4get2eat)
Artwork by Chris R. Wright (@chrisrwright)
Feel free to follow me on your socials @the_piano_teeth.
And if you would like to send in any pictures/ drawings/ nudes/ poems or other forms of creativity inspired by my dulcet tones in your ears then head on over to https://www.pianoteeth.co.uk/
Contact me about anything at pianoteethis@gmail.com.
I can't wait to trickle around your mind. Be Well.
Piano Teeth

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Hello gorgeous creeps. My name is Piano Teeth. The bleach sodden, skinless storyteller, and the voice inside your head. Thank you for having me.
Roll-up! Roll-up! In this week's marvelous eargasm we journey to Hector's Circus and meet its eponymous, machiavellian, black-clad, Ringmaster. Hector always puts on a good show and tonight's entertainment involves a viscous boxing match between two men dressed as a Mummy & Baby. The crowd loves it. You will love it. So sit back, grab the bleach, put me in your mind and join me on this fantastical tale. Featuring murderous clowns, a zebra, boxing, bearded ladies, conjoined twins, a chimpanzee, nunchucks, and of course love. Enjoy. Like. Subscribe. Share. Scum.
If you like what you hear and want to contribute to my bleach fund then head on over to https://www.pianoteeth.co.uk/bleach-fund and you can put some coins in my purse.
Follow me on Twitter/ Instagram: @the_piano_teeth
And if you wish to pester me, share artwork inspired by the episode or send Jasper and me some nudes. Then you can get in touch via e-mail pianoteethis@gmail.com.
Created by Piano Teeth
Sound Design by Matteo Musetti (@4get2eat)
Artwork by Chris R. Wright (@chrisrwright)
Internet by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Bleach Martini's by Jasper

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Hello sexy scumbags. My name is Piano Teeth and I'm the voice inside your head. Thank you for letting me into your mind. In this first episode, I introduce myself and Jasper the Toad, and then the bleach kicks in and we launch headlong down the plughole into a fantastic tale. It involves a dancing Orangutang called Gus and his friend Maria Ave-Tia, who hatch a murderous plot to enter the National Ballroom Competition. Featuring Jean-Claude Winklepicker, ecstasy, a bucket of sand, the large face of Jackson McJackson and so much more. So sit back, relax, grab the bleach and let me trickle through your ears. Enjoy.
Created by Piano Teeth.
Many thanks to Matteo Musetti (@4get2eat) aka Princess Delight for the sound design, mixing and editing of this episode.
The artwork was made under duress by Chris R. Wright.
If you like what you hear and want to add to my bleach fund then head on over to https://www.pianoteeth.co.uk/bleach-fund and you can put some coins in my purse. Or simply follow this link here: https://ko-fi.com/pianoteeth#
By all means follow me @the_piano_teeth (Twitter/Instagram) and check me out at www.pianoteeth.co.uk.

Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Piano Teeth Teaser Trailer
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Hello, my name is Piano Teeth and I'm the voice inside your head. Here's a teaser trailer to wet your whistles for my upcoming audio delight. I can't wait to trickle into your ears. Enjoy.
Sound design by Matteo Musetti (@4get2eat)
Artwork by Chris R. Wright (@chrisrwright)